OK, while this posting will be primarily about Ethan, I had to post a few pictures from the St. Louis Crohn's and Colitis Walk. We have participated on Team Rachel for the past 2 years now, and hope that we are doing a very small part to help find the cure for these diseases. We looked and looked, but the cure was not to be found this year. Maybe next year at mile one.
Here is Ethan with his great balloon sword and hilt. It is a very kid friendly event - clowns, balloon animals, free snow cones, face painting, bounce house, etc.

Olivia and her balloon corsage and cupcake face paint (can't see it, but it is there).

Team Rachel!

OK - now the part about Ethan. Ethan turned 4!! Gift opening part one - Ethan is jumping for joy over his gifts from mom, dad, and Olivia. As you can see - the big gift is a big boy bike. He has had no problems adjusting to this bike and appears to be fearless on it.

Birthday breakfast as requested by Ethan - donuts. To start the sugar high day off right.

Gift opening part two thanks to grandma and grandpa.

Ethan and Olivia modeling with their balloons. I had read that in the not so distant future, a helium shortage could cause balloons to cost $100. I wanted to take pictures with these in case their kids are not so lucky to have balloons on their birthdays (and to think that we were big spenders for Ethan!).

Official family birthday picture.

Ethan had a Super Hero Squad birthday party. He wanted super hero cupcakes, so I ordered from a local bakery in town. The results, while yummy, were not so "super". Made for good laughs. One party guest told me that "the Hulks are the best, but the Wolverines are the worst". Well said.

Ethan and best buddy Cole. They share a love/obsession of all things super heroes.

Ethan had his fourth birthday party at Midstate Gymnastics. There they have 3 inflatables to play on (a bounce house, slide, and obstacle course). It is complete chaos, hot, loud, but a ton of fun for the kids.

Ethan in the bounce house.

Group photo. The sweaty, red faces say it all!

After the inflatables room, the kids are able to play in the foam pit. Each kid takes a turn jumping in, and then it is basically a free for all. Ethan did not do a big jump into the pit, as you can see, but loved playing in it!

Group shot of the birthday guests in the foam pit!

More fun - the kids would just lie on the foam, build towers and then knock them down, or have a foam fight. Basically, almost anything goes (within reason)!

After all of the fun, the kids were able to refuel on cupcakes in the party room. Ethan loved having "Happy Birthday" sung to him.

Gift opening round 4 thanks to Grandpa Brett, Grammy, and Uncle Brennan (round 3 took place at Midstate). He is now set with super heroes, Hot Wheels, water guns, and games.

Another round of "Happy Birthday" at the family party.

Ethan's last day of 3 year old preschool was last week. He was very sad to leave his teachers - Mrs. Yazell and Mrs. Shaner, but was very proud to be moving up the school ladder and becoming a big kid.

Ethan posing with his classmates during the preschool picnic lunch on the porch.

"Can I run down the hill?" That is asked every day by the kids, as it has become a preschool tradition and fond memory. This hill is right outside their front door, and the kids just love playing tag or rolling down the hill or just basically running around.