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Friday, August 12, 2011

Touring Springfield with Uncle David

Uncle David (Joe's stepbrother from out of state) paid us a visit in Springfield in July. Since Springfield lives and breathes Abraham Lincoln and we wanted Dave to experience the true Springfield tourist day, we became Lincoln experts for the day. Here is Olivia, Ethan, and Dave in front of Lincoln's Springfield home. This day was extremely HOT - heat index above 100* prior to noon. You can's quite see in the pictures how sweaty we all became just walking from the car to the sites!
While waiting for our time to tour Lincoln's home, we explored the other homes and sites in the historic area. Here are the kids in front of a horse wagon.
Olivia and Ethan in front of Lincoln's master bed. Dave and I had a bit of an argument with the tour guide over the size of this bed - it is supposedly 6'7" long, but if you would see this bed in person you would also doubt that size! I do not know how Lincoln's feet did not hang off the end.
Joe was able to join us prior to touring the Abe Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. Although we have been living in Springfield since this museum was opened, Joe had never attended prior to this!
A long lost relative of Lincoln. We have faith he'll grow taller one day!
After touring the Old State Capital building, we visited the Lincoln Tomb. Of course both kids had to rub Lincoln's nose after we told them it would bring them luck.
Olivia and Ethan inside the Tomb. Lincoln is buried 10 feet under where we stood, with the majority of his family on the other side. We then ended the tour of Springfield with another must - a horseshoe at D'Arcy's! The first time anyone sees this on a plate (Texas toast topped with a meat, covered in fries, and then smothered in cheese sauce) they are both amazed and disgusted (as was Dave). However, once you bite into one you are hooked (as was Dave)! The key is to limit yourself to 2-3 per year so you can enjoy this "delicacy" with minimal guilt.


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