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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Trip to the Zoo

While the Springfield Henson Robinson Zoo isn't much, it does provide for some entertainment on a long day. Olivia and I spent part of an afternoon there recently, and while we only looked at the actual animals for 15 minutes, the playground was a big hit!

Luckily this peacock is people-friendly as Olivia chased him attempting to touch his feathers!

A picture of Olivia both looking at the camera and smiling, so you knew I was going to post this one no matter what! As mentioned before, I was able to take many playground pictures since the majority of our time was spent there!

Peek a Boo!

Olivia attempting to climb the turtle statue.

Olivia hugging the "cool" hippo statue. I don't know if she was refering to the temperature or to his personality!

A lazy Sunday morning for Joe and Olivia. We are enjoying these while we can as the upcoming arrival of Ethan is bound to change these! And while we are on the subject, who knows how much longer it will be? I am 36 weeks now, and dilated to 3cm. He is slowly making his arrival!


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