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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

State Fair Time!

Ahhh, the Illinois State Fair has arrived again. I have been attending the State Fair yearly (or almost yearly) since I was a child. What's not to look forward to? The butter cow, the food, the exhibits, the concerts (this year we saw The Bangles/Heart), and people watching. We went to the Fair 2 days, so if you notice some clothing changes that is why!

Olivia and her daddy sharing a lemonade shake up.

Ethan reaching for a calf at the FFA petting zoo.

We like to walk through the animal areas (namely cows, horses, and pigs) for the kids to see. Here is Olivia with a Clydesdale.

And of course the butter cow. This year Abe Lincoln was also sculpted. I tried to get a picture with both the cow and Abe, but just ended up with this shot. I realize that the butter cow is incredibly corny to those who have not been going to the fair for decades, but for me it is tradition. If you go to the Fair, you have to stop in the Dairy Building to see it. Period.

Olivia and Ethan petting the goats.

A first this year...the giant slide. I have a feeling Joe will be taking the kids down it again next year, and the next, and the next.....

Ready, set...


In all fairness, while it may look like Joe is forcing Ethan to go down the slide while bear hugging him to stay on the mat, Ethan really did request to go on the slide and didn't attempt to run away once he had climbed to the top. Once he reached the bottom, he asked to do it again.

Pretending to be Bob the Builder.

I honestly wonder what farm kids think of people who pay $1 per child to milk a cow for 30 seconds! And how we think it is worthy of dozens of pictures? In any case, Olivia actually did milk the cow this year instead of just watching like last year.

And Ethan also had no qualms about milking the cow.

Day two of the fair started with another ride on the slide. This time grandpa escorted Olivia.

Olivia became very brave on the rides this year. No more watching from the sidelines. She really enjoyed this jumping ride.

A food snapshot...on Ethan's stroller is breading from a recently eaten corn dog, while he dips deep fried pickles into his blue sno-cone. I guess at the Fair anything goes.

Grandpa won the honor of joining Olivia on her very first ferris wheel ride. Olivia really seemed to enjoy herself, although in this picture you can see that she is checking out just how tall the wheel is!

Ethan riding the cars. I don't think that this ride has changed in 30 years.

Grandpa, Ethan, and Olivia in the spinning bear ride. Ethan did not enjoy this ride too much, although he did not cry or scream. We are preparing for the teacups at our Disney trip in October!

Olivia and Ethan riding the boats.

I still cannot believe that grandpa and Olivia rode on this ride. During the ride Olivia stated both "my tummy feels weird" and "I don't think I should be on this ride". It turned out to be the last ride of the evening! However, she walked away with a smile on her face!

Ethan riding the helicopters by himself.


Blogger The Settlemoir Family said...

Looks like the kids are ready for Disney! The slide is one of our favorites too. Caden and I can ride on it over and over and over again. Hope you enjoyed the fair food for me.

6:14 PM


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