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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Odds and Ends

Since it has been forever since my last post, I have a lot of random pics that I am throwing together here. Enjoy!

Olivia's dance class has parent observation every once in awhile. Here are the pics that I took of her at her April observation.

Stretching before class.

Concentrating hard on this move.

Performing her recital moves. Her recital is this Thursday, so eventually I will be posting pics of her in her costume!

Waiting her turn for one on one instruction.

Ethan ready for a bike. He loves to imitate Olivia. We have since bought him his own helmet that actually fits!

Olivia and grandpa on a bike ride. Olivia stayed clear of her bike last summer, but this summer she is a pro. We have since convinced her that the knee and elbow pads are not necessary.

Sidewalk paint time with Grandma.

Olivia attended a birthday party for her friend Dominic at the Lincoln Memorial Gardens in late April. Here is the trail guide pointing out a snake in the tree while Olivia shows me her reaction to it!

The only time Ethan sat for this entire party. Joe and I worked hard to keep him from running into Lake Springfield the rest of the time.

Learning more nature skills from the trail guide.

Joe's artistic shot of Ethan and I walking out of the woods.

Learning differences between water and land turtles.

Olivia and her good friend Caden looking at the turtles.

Olivia playing with our next door neighbor. She loves to play with Danny and Katie! They love to teach her "big kid" things.

Ethan swinging at Washington Park.

Cole and Ethan at Washington Park.

Olivia and Dominic on the teeter totter.

Olivia on her favorite toy at the park...the "spinning bug".

Ethan on the slide at Washington Park.

No, we have not formally started toilet training yet. However, Ethan has found his potty in the closet and LOVES it. He will hug it, kiss it, carry it around the house with him, saying "my poppy" repeatedly. He has yet to actually use it correctly, though. I will tackle this issue after Olivia is in school this fall!


Blogger The Settlemoir Family said...

Love the new pics! My favorite pic is the one with Olivia in mid-air at dance class. So cute! Can't wait to see her in costume.

5:27 PM


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