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Friday, October 10, 2008

Finding the Great Pumpkin

This past weekend we went hunting for the perfect pumpkin at Kristin's Pumpkin Patch in Springfield. It is this really great patch run by a local family, though it is oddly located in the middle of a nicer neighborhood near the Lake. We have loved going here in the past and plan to continue this for many more years.

Here are Olivia and Ethan with one of the giant pumpkins. I don't even know if we could have lifted this one into the wagon!

One of our many pumpkin finds being loaded into the wagon. I think we walked out with 3 large orange pumpkins, a squat green pumpkin, a Turk's Turbin gourd, a gourd that looks like a goose (name?), and a variety of smaller pumpkins and gourds. We now have our own pumpkin patch for the Great Pumpkin to visit!

Picture time! You can see what a large, well maintained patch this is. If you are in the Springfield area, I highly recommended finding this gem!

Joe hauling our treasures back to the check out area.

Ethan playing on the tractor.

And just a random shot of Ethan with his favorite Halloween decoration - a large pumpkin doll. He thinks it is a baseball (but then again he thinks that everything is a baseball these days). And yes, he is on the coffee table. We have given up on that battle as it is one of the less dangerous things that he continuously climbs on.


Blogger Nicola said...

Hey, that pumpkin patch looks awfully familiar. Great photos. Love the ones where they're sitting on and with the big pumpkin.

It does bring back bad memories of the biting black bugs though...

5:29 PM

Blogger susan and sometimes aaron said...

seems like there's a pumpkin patch in every state. looks like you guys scored some great pumpkins. are you guys decorating them? if so, we'll have to see the little creations.

and you need to post pics of olivia's room. i'm dying to see the outcome of the bubblegum grape color scheme! kudos for going bold!

6:47 AM


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